IDEA has the expressed goal of supporting and promoting drama in education methods. This does not only include schools and universities but also all other paedagogic context. All art forms are combined to form a distinguished aesthetic awareness and redound to the personal development.
At the same time, IDEA Austria is organised under the umbrella organisation ÖBV (Österreichischer Bundesverband für außerberufliches Theater – Austrian federal organisation for extra-professional theatre). This provides valuable know-how and helps us with national and international work.
Additionally, IDEA Austria is beholden to the ideas of the Network for Theatre in School (National Center of Competence for cultural education). This network includes all school forms nationwide - the University College of Teacher's Education Lower Austria (PH NÖ) offers trainings to support teachers of all artistic subjects. Theatre and drama paedagogics are an integral part of cultural education. Interested Austrian teachers can find current events via the online portal of PH NÖ. Interested parties from other countries please contact us.
IDEA is a volunteer, community-driven organisation. IDEA Austria is beholden to these principles.
Active members are a vital core of our work.